Wednesday 9 November 2011

Week 11

click here to enter the survey

This week I have worked very hard on my lit. review. And I can proudly say my Week 12 Report is now completed. Phew! There's a few loose ends to tide up, how, in the pre-production, and I have to update my Gantt Chart. The report is due in a week and I still need to review it, check for any errors and make sure all is good.

I have reserarched some techniques such as time lapse and After Effects visual effects such as smoke letters etc. that I will find very useful in Post-production the next trimester. Some of the videos are posted below.

Next week I will have to work on my other two classes as there is a lot of catching up to do.


Visual Effect - Text To Smoke

Within my title sequence I will use this technique to achieve my text to disperse into a smoke. See example in this video.

Text Smoke Tutorial


Auto Exposure Bracketing

I came across this video on how to do auto exposure bracketing. I am also considering getting the guide to Canon 550D to help me to get the right settings to achive the wanted effect.

Time Lapse Research

This is a great tutorial on Time Lapse Technique by Darren Rowse, which I will find very helpful. Now I will have to buy an intervalometer or timer remote control in order to be able to achieve time lapse photography.

See video below:

Time Lapse of Banana

Banana, photographed at 1 frame/hour.
Time acceleration 90000.

Week 10

My attention has now been split between trying to finish the report for my Honours project, Digital Imaging project and planning stages of my Motion Graphics project. The stress level is extra high as the deadlines are approaching fast. There’s two weeks now before the research has to be concluded and report handed in. The stress level is almost disabling at this point. I will have to conclude my research this week as I need to turn my full attention to other classes.

By now I have completed most of my literature review. Below is a short summary:

1. I have listened to the recording ‘Pocket Camera’, which introduces filmmakers that use mobile phones to create movies. One woman was recording a documentary which functions as a diary of her ill, elderly mother. It’s all done on mobile phone. Every time she visits her, she records the meeting.

There are shots you can get on mobile phone that you wouldn’t be able to do with a bigger camera because mobile phone is portable and always available, ready for the action. Setting up bigger cameras would take more time and often you wouldn’t want to used it in certain situations. The podcast mentions some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a mobile phone for filming. Some of the disadvantages would be the picture quality, shakiness; and advantages, always available, light, and can be attached easily to places such as exhausts and polls, pets, skateboards etc., where for obvious reasons you would not want to attach your D-SLR.

2. I have also read a few chapters in the book ‘If its purple, someone is gonna die.’ The book describes the role of colour in visual storytelling. The author, Patti Bellantoni, had conducted test with her students. She would ask them to bring an item of certain colour into the class. When the students brought red items they were very chatty, energetic, and hyper. When they brought blue items the students were quiet, passive, and almost lethargic. She concluded colours in film had great effect on emotions and mood of their audiences.

Bellantoni compares the shades of different colours used in various films. She analyses why they were used and whether it was a conscious or subconscious choice as well as what effect it had on the target audience of the particular film

3. I read chapters Cinematic techniques and Composition in the Jeremy Vineyard book ‘Setting up your shots’ I found it very interesting read and the number of images makes the book really worthwhile guide for a beginning cinematographer.

4. Stu Maschwitz: The DV Rebel’s Guide was also worthwhile read; I have paid attention to the pre-production and editing. It contains a great advice for every beginning director who wants to make movies on a small budget.

5. John Alton’s ‘Painting with light ‘is a guide book on how to use lighting in various shots. Correct lighting of a scene can communicate to audience the mood and emotion of the story. Whether it is mystery or comedy, the lighting or luck of it, plays a major role in achieving the mood we are trying to convey. I was particularly interested in the mystery lighting and candle lighting as I plan to use candle light in my opening sequence.

6. I have also watch number of films mentioned in my last blog post, in order to study opening sequences and storytelling, shot composition of the thriller genre.

• Psycho 1960: directed by Alfred Hitchcock (horror)
• Shrooms 2007: Paddy Breathnach (horror)
• Cape Fear 1991: directed by Martin Scoresese (thriller), film
• Cape Fear 1962: directed by J. Lee Thompson (thriller) , film
• Grudge 2004: directed by Takashi Shimizu (horror) , film
• Splice 2009: directed by Vincenzo Natali (thriller, horror, sci-fi), film

7. I have created a very short questionnaire asking ‘What makes a good opening sequence?’ however there is no longer time to send it out and analyse the data. At this point I have only received two responses, which is insufficient to draw any conclusions. It was designed just to give me an idea what each group would select, whether it would be linear story such as Caper Fear with Gregory Peck or VFX. It was designed just to get an idea what a certain audience would prefer. I didn’t have enough time to research it. However my personal conclusion is that most people really don’t pay attention during the opening titles and it’s a shame, perhaps subconsciously they don’t realise how much it brings to a film.

This week I have also written the script, and updated my treatment to include all the information from my research. I still need to tidy up my storyboards.

The following Pre-production documents were drafted:

• Treatment
• Script
• Storyboards
• Shooting Schedule
• Animatic
• Contracts and Permissions documentation

Supervisor Meeting

My supervisor and I discussed the questionnaire design. Richard suggested the Questionnaire needs to be researched and the target audience has to be identified in order to sent the questionnaire on the right people. He said he would have to see the questionnaire I prepared for him to comment on it further. Richard suggested a book 'Visual Story' by Bruce Block to help with my storytelling. Before I left I was lucky to find the book in the library and took it out. Richard and I discussed stop motion animation and how it could help my project. He also checked my blog which was up to date.

Monday 31 October 2011

Week 9

On Monday I went to the library and borrowed a four more books dealing with digital photography and visual effects. The books I took out are:

Basic Photography: Michael Langford
Digital Photography: Katrin Eismann, Sean Duggan, and Tim Grey
Digital Moviemaking: Scott Billups
The Visual Story: Bruce Block

As case study I watched the following films of thriller/horror genre:

Psycho 1960: directed by Alfred Hitchcock (horror)
Shrooms 2007: Paddy Breathnach (horror)
Cape Fear 1991: directed by Martin Scoresese (thriller)
Cape Fear 1962: directed by J. Lee Thompson (thriller)
Grudge 2004: directed by Takashi Shimizu (horror)
Splice 2009: directed by Vincenzo Natali (thriller, horror, sci-fi)

This week I have primarily been working on my Digital Imaging project. I am trying to get it done quickly so that I can concentrate on finishing up my report and go through my pre-production materials, tying up any loose ends. I will also need to start working on my Motion Graphics project using After Effects.
I prefer to complete one task rather than jump from one to the other because I like to fully focus on one subject before moving on to the next. I find the Digital Imaging very relevant learning for my honours project. It particularly helps me learn about the DSLR photography and how to improve my camera skills.

Supervisor meeting

My supervisor suggested I should challenge myself a bit more using this project to experiment with more techniques. I was already developing my ideas and deciding to make the sequence in black and white, which will help to mask a little imperfections due to my novice DSLR skills. I would also like to key in important colours such as red (a colour of blood, passion and anger) as it can be seen in a film called Sin City.

I was also encouraged to post and comment on any photos I take and explain what are the positives or negatives about each image and perhaps explain what I would do differently the next time.

HDR Technique

I researched a new photographic technique used for enhancement of images. It is called HDR or high dynamic range. This is achieved by taking three photographs often one is underexposed, one is overexposed and one photo is of average exposure. This is the minimum of photographs you need to create HDR image. These photos are then combined using appropriate software such as Adobe Photoshop or Photomatix and the final result is an HDR image that achieves high dynamic range of highlights and shadows. We can see the photo was enhanced but it results in a very attractive image. I find this very intriguing and have attempted to create my own HDR photos.

See examples below:

New York at Night HDR - Wikipedia

Below is an HDR image I created from four photos.

These photographs were used:

Except the first the photos are very underexposed. The first photo's inbalanced with too dark areas (sofa) and too light areas (windows).

Cinemek Storyboard Composer

I have discovered a new solution to creating an effective storyboards and animatics. I purchased the Cinemek Storyboarding software that is a very handy tool for filmmakers, directors but also film students who can’t draw very well. It is an iPhone, iPod app available from the Apple app store. This software is amazing and allows you to create effective storyboards and animatics using just your photos of the scenes. The completed storyboard can be then saved as .pdf or quicktime movie, which can be then stored on your computer.

I have tested the software and I found it easy to use. This will be a great help in visualising my project using this very useful tool. I do not have iPhone but I can use it on my iPod which I got recently so that I would have access to the Apple platform as I have only a PC available at home.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Week 8

This week I spent most of my time doing my literature review. I have begun writing my Week 12 Report. So far I have completed sections on Digital Photography, Opening Title Sequence Overview and most sections on the Pre-production which comprises of about 2500 words at the moment.

I have created a short questionnaire on Survey Monkey to help me identify what constitutes good opening title sequence. See link below:

Click here to take survey

The survey will be emailed to other students and potential audience once I will be able to access my email. There have been an issue with the University portal which is not always accessible off campus.

Last week I had to cancel my meeting with my supervisor due to a doctor appointment. He was notified via email on my progress and a new blog update.

Next week I plan to continue with literature review and report writing. I will also have to get all my pre-production documentation to review and get it ready to be added to the appendices.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Week 7

This is my new favicon and poster for this project.


I visited the library on Monday and took a four more books out. Two of the books from last week I had no time to go through, therefore I will have to do this now as they are only a weekly loan.

The books I took out this Monday are:

Sound for film and television - Tomlinson Holman

A technological History of Motion Pictures and Television - Raymond Fielding

Painting with Light - John Alton

Cinema and Technology: Image, Sound, Colour - Steve Neale

Project Progress

On Saturday 15.10.2011, I went out to the Tarvit and took the shots I needed. However, it didn’t go very well because;

1: The actor brought his dog (although told not to). This resulted in the poor animal whining all throughout while tied to the table leg causing more stress and lack of concentration.

2. Actor was not very co-operative and didn’t bring the planned attire as instructed; overalls and working boots, in order to compliment the scene. I don’t know what you do with people who refuse to co-operate but if this was a real life situation he would most likely be dropped from the production team. Unfortunately, I have no replacement and unlikely to find suitable person to travel the distance on short notice.

I am hoping I will be able to change the actor’s clothes colouring in After Effects as it is done on by Andrew Kramer. Let’s just hope some of the shots will be salvageable.

Last week I completed the storyboards. This means I have documented my ideas well in detail. My pre-production is now almost complete, although there are a few loose ends to tie up. Proof-reading is one of them.

Overall I am making a good progress. I just wish I had more time to do the research and will have to jump into it the next week full-steam ahead.

There’s also work in other classes such as Digital Imaging project I need to do which involves going out and taking 10+ photographs merging these and photomanipulate to create a painting. I plan to do this in week 8, so that I can then concentrate more on my Honours project which icludes learning After Effects.

Meeting with Supervisor

My supervisor went over my storyboards with me and agreed I have made good progress. He said I have done a lot of work and advised to add the document to my appendices of the 'Week 12 Report'. He would like to know if I would have done anything differently once I had my research done.

The next week I will have to make more of an effort into reading and start writing my week 12 report, which will include the literature review.